Energocomplekt PA Ltd
pr. Moscovski, 94B
210036, Vitebsk, Belarus
 +7 375 212 487242
 +7 375 212 487764
 +7 375 212 487477
Sergey Podhaiski – Chairman of Board of Directors
Andrei Avko - Managing Director

Enterprise “Energocomplekt” was established in 1992. Now it is one of the largest enterprises in the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of cable and wire production which nomenclature includes more than 9 000 label sizes.

Over the last years production of power and pilot cables (screened, armoured, low smoke- and gas emission (-LS)), wires for overhead power lines, bare wires, installation and connecting wires was mastered and implemented. Production of medium-voltage and high-voltage (up to 110 kW) power cables was mastered. Nowadays production of halogen-free fire-resistant, flame retardant power and pilot cables insulated and sheathed of polymer compounds as well as production of cables insulated with compounds on a basis of thermoplastic elastomers, is mastered.

The output products are realized through a developed distribution network of branches in the Republic of Belarus (in all the regional centers) and in the Russian Federation (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don). PA “Energocomplekt” Ltd. carries out delivery of cable and wire products to the countries of European Community and CIS countries as well.

In their quality the products of PA “Energocomplekt” Ltd. correspond to European and international standards. The enterprise possesses the certificates of conformity for all manufactural production, the certificates of conformity to the quality management system in the process of manufacturing of cable and wire products against the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2001 and RST ISO 9001-2001 as well as the certificates of conformity to European Standards.

PA “Energocomplekt” Ltd. is a member of International Cablemakers Federation (ICF), Association “Belkabel” and “Elektrokabel”. Since 2002 PA “Energocomplekt” has been a member of International Association “Intercable”.

PA “Energocomplekt” Ltd. holds a stable leading position on criterion “Production of cable products on a copper weight basis” among the cable manufacturing plants of the Republic of Belarus.

PA “Energocomplekt” Ltd. becomes winner of various governmental awards and prizes on a regular basis. In particular, the enterprise has the following rewards: “The best industrialist of the year”, prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality. The enterprise was the winner of the competition “The best goods of the Republic of Belarus” and the competition “The best goods of the Republic of Belarus in the market of the Russian Federation”.