The 46th General Meeting of the International Association “Intercable” will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from 25 to 29 November 2013. Within its framework a Scientific and Technical Symposium on the topic “Specialty cables (underwater cables, submersible-pump cables for oil extraction, wires and cables for solar power sources): design, technology, manufacturing materials, materials and test equipment” will be held.

The Program of the Scientific and Technical Symposium and the General Meeting foresees the following work schedule:

25 November (Monday) – participants' arrival.

26 November (Tuesday) – The Scientific and Technical Symposium.

27 November (Wednesday) – continuation of the Scientific and Technical Symposium. General Meeting of the IA “Intercable” members.

28 November (Thursday) – technical excursions to PRAKAB PRAZSKA KABELOVNA s.r.o. and Maschinenfabrik NIEHOFF (CZ) s.r.o.

29 November (Friday) - participants' departure.

The program also includes a traditional football match between participants (November 26, in the evening).

Holding of the General Meeting and accommodation of the participants is foreseen in hotel “Boscolo”, 5*, Senovazne namesti 13, 11000, Prague, tel. +420 224 593 111, fax: +420 (224) 593 000, e-mail:, web: )

Room rates in the hotel (including breakfast and wi-fi): 156 euro per room per night, both for single and double accommodation. Superior rooms: 214 euro per night (SNGL or DBL). Junior Superior (2 rooms): 324 euro per night.

This trip is arranged with assistance of the Travel Company “Jet Travel”, Moscow (or Mayak AG, Zugerstrasse 77, CH 6340 Baar/ZG)*, tel. +7 (495) 626 8900, å-mail:, and the above prices are granted in case of reservation through this company.

We draw your attention that for the groups of 6 and more travellers the transfer airport-hotel-airport is arranged and paid by the IA “Intercable” (provided that the flight information is submitted not later that 1 week prior to the flight).

The registration fee for every second and further participant is 150 euro.

Completed registration forms for participation in the 46th General Meeting of the “Intercable” Association and the scientific and technical symposium should be sent by fax +7-495-363-60-42 or via email: until 1 August. Participation is considered as confirmed only after our receipt of your completed registration form. 

* Mayak accepts payments of Jet’s clients on behalf of Jet on the basis of specified contract.